Image of Stephen Copland

An archive of my personal artworks can be viewed on my personal website ( My CV can be viewed here.

My most recent achievement was 1st prize at the video competition, di Notte - SPAZIO,Voci di Notte, Italy.(2021) (

In 2019 I my video animation, “Drifting to Access” was selected for the Biennale of HumanRights-Universal Data, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art MACAM Lebanon.(2019) During that year I also to exhibited at the inaugural opening of the Diaspora in ActionMuseum, Batroun, Lebanon.

Presentations of my Migration as Art Museum project has been accepted and recognised atvarious international conferences. The most prestigious was in 2016 at the ICOM 24thGeneral Conference / Museums and Cultural Landscapes / Milano, Italy opened by Christo.In 2020 the online conference Embracing Difference-the work of art, Conference onEducation, University of Barcelona, Spain. I was guest artist for the Tri-annual magazineHuman Rights Defender (2019)

In 2017 I was awarded the Juror’s Choice 2017 1V Art Venice Biennale San Marco SalizadaMalipiero Venice selection by previous Venice Biennale artists.The video work titled TheArtist Studio:Longitude-Latitude was selected for competition in Spazio Creativo andTerritorio Da Salvaguardare (Creative Space & Territorial Safeguard) The international juryincluded Mr. Alessandro Gagliardo, Founder of Malastrada Film, Research andDissemination; Prof. Giuseppina Radice, Professor of Contemporary Art History and ArtCritic, Prof. Daniela Aquilia, Professor of Art History and Chair of the Cultural Ideattiva.

I was Guest artist for the Tri-annual magazine Human Rights Defender (2012) and in 2011was awarded the Moya Dyring Studio, Cite Internationale Paris (AGNSW) to develop artwork inspired by Theodore Gericault’s masterpiece, The Raft of the Medusa in the Louvre.

A major art piece from the Museum archive titled Border Protection where I painted everylighthouse on the Australian coast in miniature was cited in the publication, TheLighthouse: Interdisciplinary Reflections on Light